NUS 新加坡國大, 求學職涯【SG】NUS MBA Commencement Ceremony 畢業典禮 (Class of 2023)Table of contents How did the 17-month … 閱讀全文【SG】NUS MBA Commencement Ceremony 畢業典禮 (Class of 2023)Angelique2023-08-131 則留言
MBA, NUS 新加坡國大, 求學職涯[新加坡SG] “Service Management” module at the NUS MBA (2022.09)“Service Management” has be… 閱讀全文[新加坡SG] “Service Management” module at the NUS MBA (2022.09)Angelique2022-09-30
MBA, NUS 新加坡國大, 求學職涯【新加坡SG】NUS MBA Launch Your Transformation Bootcamp 「溝通領導力」訓練營之我拿到最佳進步獎耶 (2022.01)放完聖誕及元旦假期,其實距離正式開學還… 閱讀全文【新加坡SG】NUS MBA Launch Your Transformation Bootcamp 「溝通領導力」訓練營之我拿到最佳進步獎耶 (2022.01)Angelique2022-01-17